Edward Primrose
Edward Primrose is a composition graduate from the Canberra School of Music (ANU). After various awards, teaching stints, conducting jobs and commissions, he spent several years in the UK and France as composer for theatre, dance, video and film, amassing a vast array of works.
He was Composer in Residence at the Australian Film Television & Radio School (AFTRS) before becoming the first Lecturer in Screen Composition at AFTRS 1999-2000, then again in 2007-2013. He received a PhD in musical dramaturgy in 2014.
Currently Edward writes music and scripts (theatre and film) in which the writing process is deeply influenced by musical principles. The results incorporate live actors, video and music and which question the manner in which these elements normally interact.
Resulting productions include Ray and Ponce – an absurdist radio play for two actors; Die: a pedagogical fiction for actor as story-telling teacher; and The Art of Lies and Obfuscation for one actor who is in dialogue with the filmed roles of her mother, her twin sister, her daughter and her digital artefact. Its sequel is Snipers (theatre, film and surround score).
With a similar format though calling for much larger forces, The Wife of Empedocles followed, now in pre-production.
Since 2022, Edward has resided in the UK.